Women in Leadership


  • Course Objectives

Module 1:

  • Women and the Workforce

  • 50% of the Population

  • 60% of College Degree Earners

  • 47% of the US Workforce

  • 52% of Professional Jobs

  • Knowledge Check

Module 2:

  • The Leadership Gap

  • Women are Underrepresented in Leadership

  • Women in Executive Positions

  • Women in Finance, Health Care, and Law

  • Historical Trends

  • Knowledge Check

Module 3:

  • Barriers to Women’s Leadership

  • Gender Differences are Overemphasized

  • Gender Differences are Undervalued

  • Women Lack Professional Networks

  • Work and Family Conflict

  • Knowledge Check

Module 4:

  • Traits of Women’s Management

  • Women Lead by Uniting Diverse Groups

  • Women Value Work-Life Balance

  • Women Value Interpersonal Relationships

  • Women Value Accountability

  • Knowledge Check

Module 5:

  • Benefits of Women’s Leadership

  • Greater Collaboration

  • Culture of Work-Life Balance

  • Culture of Accountability

  • Assists in Recruiting Millennials

  • Knowledge Check

Module 6:

  • Nurture Women’s Leadership

  • Actively Recruit Women

  • Create and Encourage Networking Opportunities

  • Pair Women with Mentors in Leadership

  • Create and Encourage Training Opportunities

  • Knowledge Check

Module 7:

  • Actively Recruit Women

  • Discover Your Barriers to Hiring

  • Discover Your Barriers to Retention

  • Recruit via Women’s Organizations

  • Create and Promote a Woman-Friendly Culture

  • Knowledge Check

Module 8:

  • Encourage Networking Opportunities

  • Create a Women’s Networking Group

  • Encourage Women to Join Organizations

  • Networking Builds Confidence

  • Networking and Recruiting

  • Knowledge Check

Module 9:

  • Pair Women with Mentors

  • Benefits of Mentoring

  • Think Creatively

  • Incorporate Mentoring at Every Stage

  • Encourage Women to Mentor

  • Knowledge Check

Module 10:

  • Create Educational Opportunities

  • Encourage the Learning of Leadership Skills

  • Internal Programs and Training

  • Outside Training and Workshops

  • Encourage Training at Every Stage of the Career

  • Knowledge Check


  • Post Test

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Enrolled: 0 students
Lectures: 1