Telework and Telecommuting


  • Course Objectives

Module 1:

  • Core Skills Required

  • Self-Management

  • Time Management

  • Organizing and Planning

  • Communication

  • Knowledge Check

Module 2:

  • Self-Management (I)

  • Solving Problems on Your Own

  • Being and Staying Motivated

  • You Have More Freedom – Don’t Abuse It

  • You and Only You are Accountable

  • Knowledge Check

Module 3:

  • Self-Management (II)

  • Recognize and Remove Bad Habits

  • Reflect on Mistakes and Learn from Them

  • Establish Good Habits

  • Be Assertive

  • Knowledge Check

Module 4:

  • Time Management (I)

  • Build a Little Flexibility into Your Schedule

  • Identify and Remove Time Wasters

  • Working with Time Zones

  • Using Free Time Wisely

  • Knowledge Check

Module 5:

  • Time Management (II)

  • The Urgent/Important Matrix

  • Setting and Sticking to Deadlines

  • The Glass Jar: Rocks, Pebbles, Sand, and Water

  • Recognize When You Are Procrastinating

  • Knowledge Check

Module 6:

  • Organizing and Planning (I)

  • Plan for Additional Stress

  • When to Seek Help

  • Being Proactive – Not Reactive

  • Establish Priorities and Attainable Goals

  • Knowledge Check

Module 7:

  • Organizing and Planning (II)

  • Setting Up Your Home Office

  • Remove Unneeded or Distracting Items

  • When Technology Fails

  • Develop a Normal Working Day

  • Knowledge Check

Module 8:

  • Communication (I)

  • Stay in the Loop

  • Use the Correct Medium

  • Be Clear and to the Point

  • Virtual Communication Can Be Impersonal

  • Knowledge Check

Module 9:

  • Communication (II)

  • Open and Frequent Communication

  • Share Your Information

  • Have a Collaborative Attitude

  • Setting Expectations with Family and Friends

  • Knowledge Check

Module 10:

  • Additional Challenges

  • Building Trust and Rapport

  • Feeling Isolated

  • Always in the Office

  • Lack of or Less Feedback

  • Knowledge Check


  • Post-Test

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Enrolled: 0 students
Lectures: 1