Responsibility in the Workplace

  • 1.1. Responsibility In the Workplace

  • 1.2. Module 1: Getting Started

  • 1.3. Workshop Objectives

  • 1.4. Module 2: Accountability Ladder

  • 1.5. What is the Reality?

  • 1.6. Take Ownership

  • 1.7. Find Solutions

  • 1.8. Implement Solutions

  • 1.9. Case Study

  • 1.10. What is the accountability ladder?

  • 1.11. How many rungs are usually pictured on an accountability ladder?

  • 1.12. What is the reality of accountability in employees?

  • 1.13. What is lowest rung on the accountability ladder?

  • 1.14. Taking ownership is located on __________ of the accountability ladder.

  • 1.15. Taking ownership refers to ownership of ___________.

  • 1.16. After taking ownership for a mistake, what is the next rung on the accountability ladder?

  • 1.17. An employee that is not accountable will _________ after a mistake is made.

  • 1.18. Accountable employees _____________ solutions for issues in the workplace.

  • 1.19. When are accountable individuals satisfied?

  • 1.20. Module 3: Examples of Responsibility

  • 1.21. Admitting to a Mistake

  • 1.22. Completing Work Shift

  • 1.23. Pulling Weight in Group Tasks

  • 1.24. Meeting Deadlines

  • 1.25. Practical Illustration

  • 1.26. Responsibility is a __________.

  • 1.27. Responsibility in the workplace will result in____

  • 1.28. Admitting a mistake at work will result in ___________

  • 1.29. Admitting a mistake at work requires ___________

  • 1.30. _________ employees do not clock in late or clock out early.

  • 1.31. Completing the shift is defined as________________

  • 1.32. Responsible employees work _________ in a group task.

  • 1.33. What is a responsible employee’s definition of completing a group task?

  • 1.34. Deadlines are _____________ to responsible project members.

  • 1.35. Responsible team members complete their tasks ____________ the deadline that was set.

  • 1.36. Module 4: Importance

  • 1.37. Work Quality

  • 1.38. Work Productivity

  • 1.39. Employee Engagement

  • 1.40. Employee Morale

  • 1.41. Practical Illustration

  • 1.42. Responsibility in an employee is __________

  • 1.43. Responsibility ___________ work quality.

  • 1.44. Which of the following is not included in the description of quality work?

  • 1.45. Work quality and work productivity are ___________

  • 1.46. Employers are seeking employees that are __________ productive.

  • 1.47. What does an organization gain with highly productive employees?

  • 1.48. Employee engagement is ____________.

  • 1.49. Employees that respect the rules and complete their tasks as instructed are highly ___________

  • 1.50. Employee morale is usually ___________ in responsible employees.

  • 1.51. Low employee morale results in_____________.

  • 1.52. Module 5: Benefits

  • 1.53. Individual Success

  • 1.54. Build Trust with Co-Worker

  • 1.55. Builds Trust with Organization

  • 1.56. Success of Organization

  • 1.57. Practical Illustration

  • 1.58. Responsible employees are __________.

  • 1.59. Responsible management is a(an) __________ to the business.

  • 1.60. Responsible employees earn more __________.

  • 1.61. Responsible individuals are more __________ when working on team projects.

  • 1.62. Co-workers depend on ________________ employees on the team.

  • 1.63. Why do co-workers trust responsible employees more than irresponsible employees?

  • 1.64. Why are responsible employees trusted by the company?

  • 1.65. Organizational trust ____________ with responsible employees.

  • 1.66. Successful businesses employ ___________ individuals.

  • 1.67. Responsible employees make up work teams that are ___________.

  • 1.68. Module 6: Characteristics of Responsible People

  • 1.69. Humble

  • 1.70. Transparent

  • 1.71. Promise Keeper

  • 1.72. Proactive

  • 1.73. Practical Illustration

  • 1.74. Responsible people have __________ traits.

  • 1.75. How do employers find responsible employees?

  • 1.76. Responsible people are most usually __________

  • 1.77. Being humble means to rank your own importance __________ others.

  • 1.78. Transparency is part of _____________.

  • 1.79. ___________ must be transparent in the workplace.

  • 1.80. Promise keepers are _____________.

  • 1.81. There are promise _________ and promise _________.

  • 1.82. Proactive employees are ___________.

  • 1.83. Employers should seek out ___________ applicants for hire.

  • 1.84. Module 7: Barriers

  • 1.85. No Direction

  • 1.86. No Ownership

  • 1.87. No Commitment

  • 1.88. No Resilience

  • 1.89. Practical Illustration

  • 1.90. After defining accountability in the workplace, what is the next step for management?

  • 1.91. To have accountability in the workplace, the management must _____________.

  • 1.92. Employees need ___________ from management before they can be responsible workers.

  • 1.93. Who is responsible for setting the direction and the work culture of the organization?

  • 1.94. Not having a sense of ownership is an issue with ______________ the company.

  • 1.95. To feel ownership, employees should have more __________ of tasks.

  • 1.96. Employees with no commitment to their jobs feel __________.

  • 1.97. Employees that lack commitment are also not ______________.

  • 1.98. Resilience is defined as__________

  • 1.99. Resilient individuals are ____________ employees.

  • 1.100. Module 8: Overcome Barriers

  • 1.101. Create Clear Goals

  • 1.102. Provide Resources

  • 1.103. Allow and Provide Feedback

  • 1.104. Mentorship

  • 1.105. Practical Illustration

  • 1.106. Once a barrier is identified, the next step is to _____________.

  • 1.107. In the workplace, who is responsible for removing barriers to responsibility?

  • 1.108. ______________ is responsible for setting clear goals for employees.

  • 1.109. Employees with clear goals are more likely to be ____________

  • 1.110. Resources to complete tasks are the responsibility of ____________

  • 1.111. Having the necessary resources to complete tasks, result in employees feeling more __________

  • 1.112. Managers should have _________feedback meetings with employees.

  • 1.113. Which of the following statements is not true?

  • 1.114. Which of the choices listed below is a good tool for management to increase the feeling of empowerment of the employees?

  • 1.115. Mentorship programs should begin when the employee ________.

  • 1.116. Module 9: Increasing Responsibilities

  • 1.117. Prioritize Tasks

  • 1.118. Communicate Expectations

  • 1.119. Incentive Programs

  • 1.120. Consequences

  • 1.121. Practical Illustration

  • 1.122. Employers are often in need of increasing the employee’s sense of ___________.

  • 1.123. Organizations must assist ___________ employees.

  • 1.124. Prioritizing tasks at the beginning of the workday is a trait of a/an ____________ employee.

  • 1.125. Managers must communicate the company’s ____________to the employee.

  • 1.126. Employees that understand the expectations of their job are more _____________.

  • 1.127. Which of the activities listed below is not an example of an incentive program?

  • 1.128. Incentive programs are a/an _____________ tool for management.

  • 1.129. Incentive programs must be __________

  • 1.130. Consequences are the result of a/an _____________

  • 1.131. Why should a company provide programs to encourage responsibility?

  • 1.132. Module 10: Accountability Software

  • 1.133. WorkZone

  • 1.134. Jira

  • 1.135. Samepage

  • 1.136. ProWorkflow

  • 1.137. Practical Illustration

  • 1.138. Which of the areas listed below was not a focus of the early versions of accountability software?

  • 1.139. WorkZone is software that initially focused on:

  • 1.140. Which of the tasks listed below is not included in the WorkZone software?

  • 1.141. Where was the software WorkZone created?

  • 1.142. Jira is ___________ software for managers.

  • 1.143. Jira was originally created to ___________

  • 1.144. Samepage is referred to as ______________ software.

  • 1.145. Samepage allows manager to assign ___________ to team members.

  • 1.146. ProWorkflow started out as simple __________ software.

  • 1.147. ProWorkflow _______________a task manager on the team member dashboard.

  • 1.148. Module 11: Accountability Software II

  • 1.149. TaskQue

  • 1.150.

  • 1.151. Asana

  • 1.152. Trello

  • 1.153. Practical Illustration

  • 1.154. _________ has/have helped to increase the number of accountability tools available to managers.

  • 1.155. Accountability software is becoming more __________

  • 1.156. TaskQue is ___________ software.

  • 1.157. TaskQue enables employees to be more _________

  • 1.158. is primarily focused on _____________

  • 1.159. __________ is one of the focuses of

  • 1.160. Asana is another example of ___________ software.

  • 1.161. Asana was created to minimize ____________

  • 1.162. ____________ was software that started as a list making program.

  • 1.163. Trello allows team members to monitor the project ____________.

  • 1.164. Module 12: Wrapping Up

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