

  • Course Objectives

Module 1:

  • Decide on the Type of Business

  • Is It Feasible?

  • What Are Your Interests?

  • Do You Have the Experience?

  • Are You an Expert?

  • Knowledge Check

Module 2:

  • What Is the Market/Competition Like?

  • Is the Venture Lucrative?

  • Is There Competition?

  • How Can You Set Yourself Apart from the Competition?

  • How Is the Customer Prospect?

  • Knowledge Check

Module 3:

  • Basics of Starting a Business

  • Decide on a Name

  • Legal Structure of the Business

  • Register the Business

  • Choose the Location

  • Hire an Accountant

  • Knowledge Check

Module 4:

  • Create a Business Plan

  • What Should Be Included in the Business Plan?

  • Gather Documentation

  • Develop a Business Plan Outline

  • Draft a Business Plan

  • Knowledge Check

Module 5:

  • Get Financing

  • Contact Organizations for Guidance

  • Decide the Type of Financing

  • Shop Around

  • What to Do Once Approved

  • Knowledge Check

Module 6:

  • Hire Employees

  • Develop Job Descriptions

  • Advertise Positions

  • Interview Candidates

  • Select Candidates

  • Knowledge Check

Module 7:

  • Training Employees

  • Teach Company Culture

  • Implement Actual Training for the Positionۃ

  • Provide Feedback

  • Offer Additional Training, If Necessary

  • Knowledge Check

Module 8:

  • Market the Business

  • Traditional Marketing

  • Create a Website

  • Social Media

  • Networking Groups

  • Knowledge Check

Module 9:

  • Run the Business

  • Procurement

  • Sell! Sell! Sell!

  • How to Manage Cash Flow

  • Budgeting

  • Knowledge Check

Module 10:

  • Grow the Business

  • Offer More Products / Services

  • Open Another Location

  • Franchise Opportunities

  • Scoring Large Contracts

  • Knowledge Check


  • Post Test

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Enrolled: 0 students
Lectures: 1