Employee Termination Processes


  • Course Objectives

Module 1:

  • Placing an Employee on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) Before Firing

  • Justification

  • Validate

  • Include

  • Be Grateful

  • Knowledge Check

Module 2:

  • Employees Who Should Be Terminated (I)

  • Feeling of Entitlement

  • Cannot Perform Job Functions

  • Can’t Function with Other Employees

  • They Overpromise and Under Deliver

  • Knowledge Check

Module 3:

  • Employees Who Should Be Terminated (II)

  • Blatant Disregard for Customers

  • They Are Unreliable

  • Don’t Adhere to Code of Conduct

  • Use Company Property for Personal Use

  • Knowledge Check

Module 4:

  • Things to Consider When Setting Up the Termination Meeting

  • Meeting Attendees

  • Venue of the Meeting

  • Security Presence

  • Logistics

  • Knowledge Check

Module 5:

  • The Correct Way to Fire an Employee (I)

  • Use Positive Language

  • Review Past Feedback

  • Concentrate on Specific Behavior

  • Fire Early in the Week

  • Knowledge Check

Module 6:

  • The Correct Way to Fire an Employee (II)

  • Keep it Short

  • Have Employee Sign Release

  • Transfer Terminated Employee’s Functions

  • Avoid Fighting Unemployment Claims with Employee

  • Knowledge Check

Module 7:

  • What an Employment Termination Checklist Should Contain

  • Notification to Human Resources

  • Systems Access Terminations

  • Return of Company Property

  • Benefits Status

  • Knowledge Check

Module 8:

  • The “Don’ts” of Firing an Employee (I)

  • No Performance Improvement Plan

  • Using an Electronic Method

  • Fire Without a Witness

  • Provide Long Reason for Firing

  • Knowledge Check

Module 9:

  • The “Don’ts” of Firing an Employee(II)

  • Not Making the Decision Final

  • Let Employee Take Company Property

  • Allow Access to Work Area

  • Permit Information System Access

  • Knowledge Check

Module 10:

  • Conduct Effective Exit Interviews

  • When, How and Who

  • Objective of the Process

  • Company Readiness for Exit Interviews

  • Execute the Feedback Results

  • Knowledge Check


  • Post Test

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Enrolled: 0 students
Lectures: 1